Saturday, June 2, 2007

Décor, It's getting Exciting!

Lots of progress after my new shipment


Ms. Putters worth helped me open it


It was my Rock, what i had been waiting for what seemed like weeks to get. I snapped in to action and thew it all together.


The Water was a little cloudy, but a day later it was looking pretty damn good if i say so my self. I'm very satisfied with the bonsai trees and rock, very Zen.


Much clearer a couple of days later


So the real decision is what should i put in it? I kind of want to get away from regular run of the mill aquarium fish since this is a pretty unique project. While i was doing some research i found that you can breed shrimp that to me look really cool and are pretty low maintenance check them here and watch this video.

But what do YOU think i should get? Leave me a comment vote for what you want, I'm open to suggestions!


Micah said...

I like cichlids but I'm pretty sure they will eat your shrimp...they can be violent.

Anonymous said...

A lovable Walrus or at least some ferocious Sea Lions.