Thursday, June 14, 2007

I Dub Thee the Aquarivision


My friend Mel Photoshoped a picture of the project. I think it adds an eerie touch, like it's going to come alive and attack you in your sleep.

Here's a alternate version.

525511214_3f7f198303_o copy

Monday, June 11, 2007

Stocking Your Tank

kids 2

Welcome to the wild world of exotic fish cultivation. With a little effort, and a lot of time YOU TOO can have the fish of your dreams right in your own home. In today's modern technological home things like compact electric water heaters and florescent lights make it easy to see how your friends will marvel at the amazing aquatic life.

The long and short of it is I finally got some fish. I'm starting out with some small cheap fish to test the tank and get it going before i get some shrimp. I fixed my comments so anyone can comment with out registering. I assume that's why half the Internet didn't marvel at my accomplishment.
I got a Plecostomus, along with some Sissortail Fish and some Zebra Danios.
Now the real problem is it lacks color, which I hope will be alleviated by incorporating this into the mix.

Thank God I know someone who likes it.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Décor, It's getting Exciting!

Lots of progress after my new shipment


Ms. Putters worth helped me open it


It was my Rock, what i had been waiting for what seemed like weeks to get. I snapped in to action and thew it all together.


The Water was a little cloudy, but a day later it was looking pretty damn good if i say so my self. I'm very satisfied with the bonsai trees and rock, very Zen.


Much clearer a couple of days later


So the real decision is what should i put in it? I kind of want to get away from regular run of the mill aquarium fish since this is a pretty unique project. While i was doing some research i found that you can breed shrimp that to me look really cool and are pretty low maintenance check them here and watch this video.

But what do YOU think i should get? Leave me a comment vote for what you want, I'm open to suggestions!